As Christian Investors and Entrepreneurs, our first priority is to our God and our King, to whom we give all glory. The entirety of success + impact at Archetype draws from the Spirit moving within each of our hearts, and the faithful correspondence to that Voice. We believe God initiates, calls and seeks out the entrepreneur and the investor, and is the source and guarantor of the Divine Assignment. "Whom shall I send?" says the Lord. It's in this calling and the response, "Here I am, send me!" that we find the fullness of our mission and subsequent co-laboring together with God and each other. In responding to this call, miracles will happen and the prayerful hearts/zealous apostles in our sector of business will coincide in unstoppable God-designed ways, brought together by Divine initiative and human fiat.
As laborers sowing seed and hoping to reap holy harvests, we look to God also for the abundant blessing of the fruit. For we can plant the seed and labor in the field all the day long, but only He can make the sun shine, the rain fall, and the seed grow to fruition in the hearts and minds of our partners, shareholders, and customers, at the 4X ROI we have been challenged to seek.
Modern business culture wants entrepreneurs and workers to leave their beliefs and moral systems at home, that the workplace is an environment of sterile production of goods and profit generation.
We know, however, that people are dignified, work is noble, and the business calling is a force for good. Mission-driven entrepreneurs are funded, accompanied and accelerated to success and impact, and their teams, customers and financial holdings thrive with best practices.
Join us in celebrating a culture of mutual prayer and spiritual growth in the workplace with our hand-selected collection of traditional and modern prayers uniquely suited to sanctify your work.
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